Choosing a Website name what is the best for optimization? or for people to remember? also what fits your website?. Buying a distinctive name for your website that actually works can be quite hard. There are 7 million domain names ending in .uk alone. So here are some tips for picking the best domain name.
There are two ways to look at a domain do you go with keyword rich name? Or something memorable for people. I always would suggest go with something easy to remember, a domain with five keywords in will never be remembered, also you have to consider typing errors even with a google search. Making a typing mistake might mean your site doesn’t appear.
Tips On Choosing A Website Name
So after considering this here are some top tips for you.
Brainstorm – First tip is to sit down with a group of people and brainstorm some keywords you think would fit your website. You may not use these keywords in your domain but it gets you thinking about words and phrases you can use. It will also give you some direction to start with.
Make it Easy to Type and Remember – People have to find your site and typing mistakes happen and you may loose precious traffic. Think of the popular sites, their all normally 3 syllables at most, Amazon, Google, Ebay, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook etc. Try to keep the name to a maximum of 15 characters.
Don’t follow the pack – Everyone one says to me lets buy because the plumbers down the road has done the exact same thing. The SEO factor in that is not that great (quality inbound links are more important). Also in the “Real World” do clients refer to your business as “Plumbers-Somewhere?” No they use your business name. So a good short and catchy business name with your site optimised for the keywords of plumbers and your location will make you stand out, just think Amazon didn’t use
Don’t Spam – Avoid hyphens. Hyphens detract from credibility and can act as a spam indicator. Also using words like Best, Cheap, Offers, all can detract from the credibility of the site.
Avoid Copyright Infringement – Don’t use brand names you don’t have the right to use. Also don’t use misspelling of popular sites these are spam techniques and frowned upon. They might work in the short term, but are not a sustainable ideas.
Only Choose Dot-Com Available Domains – If you want to build a successful website over the long term where you get traffic from a number of sources you need multiple domains. When you search for your new domain make sure that the .com and are available. People looking for your site will normally use these extensions to find your site.
Be Unique and Fulfil Expectations – Credibility on the internet is important, its hard to get and very easy to loose. Your domain is normally how people remember your site and determines if people will visit your site again or make a purchase.
Choosing a website name can be a difficult task however some basic research can help you find the perfect fit.