Website Not Working! What Am I Doing Wrong?

Is Your Website Actually Selling Your Business Effectively? From Gikmedia

So your website not working! And you’re not getting the results from your website you want? The first question you need to ask yourself is what do you want to achieve with the website?

My Website Not Working!

Lots of people have a website, but they don’t know what they want to do with it. So let’s start by looking at what your site is there to do.

Is it a sales tool?

An information page?

A networking site?

Or something different?

Many sites cross different boundaries they may be a sales tool, however they offer information on the product/service you are selling. Sometimes these sites end up being a mishmash of different things that don’t really work.

So ask yourself what you want to achieve with the site?

The key to online success is understanding what you want to do with the site, and then define what the website should be.

Once you know what you want it to do, Create a realistic, focused plan that has short term, mid term, and long term goals. These can be a simple as keeping a news page up to date, or making sure you put an offer on once a month.

Things you should consider with plans for a website include, in no particular order:

Improving SEO/Link Building.
Improving search engine presence should be aimed at driving the correct type of traffic to the website, and not just about being top of Google for a search term.

Sites That Are Regularly Updated Tend To Get More Traffic.

Making sure the site regularly updated.
This helps with not only SEO, it also helps to get returning traffic to the site, as people are more likely to return to a website if there is new content added regularly.

Put a process together for answering emails from the site promptly.
Make sure any email or even social media enquiries are answered promptly, set up an auto reply on the website for out of hours emails.

Improving the site with new features.
Adding new features and promoting them is a must. Nothing stands still and your website shouldn’t you need to be constantly adapting the site to see what works and what does not.

Building and email contact list.
Build a contact list you can promote offers, and new website content too. This should include both existing and potential clients.

Make Sure You Know What’s Happening On Your Website.

Add Analytic Software.
Google Analytic
is free and simple to add to your website it will tell you where people find your website and which pages you are losing traffic from. It’s a great tool to see what needs to be improved on your website.

Regular checks and test to make sure the site is working correctly.
Run regular checks for missing pictures, broken links, and out of date information. These are the basis that can switch people off, and will

Website and Online Security.
Make sure the website uses the latest security software, protecting people information is extremely important.

Check it Mobile and Tablets.
Check to make sure your website works on mobile phones and tablet devices. More and more people use these to browse the internet and you need to make your site mobile friendly.

Always Promote Your Website Wherever Possible.

Actively promote your website.
Last but not least promote your website on social media, trade sites, and directories. How to promote your website for free.

10 Tips On How To Increase Website Sales
To sum up On Your website not working to sell your business.

All websites are a work in progress and sites that aren’t nurtured will not achieve what you want it to. So have a plan, keep it simple and attainable, however, always allow it to be flexible, test and measure it with Analytic software and customer feedback and act on what is happening.

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About Ian Ogle

I am a Web Designer from the Hartlepool in the North East of England part of the team at GIK Media. Currently enjoying working on the latest project. You can find view my profile Here or Or follow me. Google+ >> Twitter >>