Free WordPress Plugins To Improve Your Blog

Automating and protecting your blog can be a great time saver. WordPress Plugins are a cost effective way of doing this, they are easy to install addons to your WordPress site that any one can use. Here is the best 10 free wordpress plugins to really improve your blog.

Free WordPress Plugins

10 Free WordPress Plugins.

Cut down on loading times on your blog with this great plugin to help smoother browsing.
WordPress Fastest Cache.

Having a problem sorting spam comments from real ones. The quiz Plugins allows you to ask a question to comment. It really cuts down on automated spam comments however you still receive human spam.
WordPress Quiz.

Using DropBox to backup your WordPress site is a great way of protecting yourself from losing everything. If you have a problem with your hosting or your WordPress software you can run the risk of losing everything however backing up you Database allows you to roll back from any problem.
WordPress Backup To DropBox.

The ultimate Search Engine Optimisation plugin. WordPress SEO by Yoast, is a easy plugin to use it gives you great tips and pointers to improve your post SEO. Alone it wont get you to the top of Google, however it will help.
WordPress SEO.

Keeping track of broken links on large blogs can be time consuming and a real pain. With the broken link checker you can keep track all links.
WordPress Broken Link Checker.

If you want snippets or quotes to stand out on your post use simple pull quote to emphasise key points on your post.
WordPress Simple Pull Quote.

Take control of your images and manually crop them before you put them in your post. It a great free wordpress plugin for anyone who uses a lot of images on their blog.
Manual Image Crop.

Want to setup automated thank you emails, this is a great free plugin to say thank you.
Thank Me Later.

If you have problem managing your sitemap on larger Blogs this is the plugin for you. It allows easy automation of your sitemap.
WordPress Sitemap Plugin

Get other people to promote your blog including a social media share buttons allows everyone to quickly and easily share you’re content.

Enjoy the free WordPress plugins and dont forget to share you’re favourite plugin in the comments below.

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About Ian Ogle

I am a Web Designer from the Hartlepool in the North East of England part of the team at GIK Media. Currently enjoying working on the latest project. You can find view my profile Here or Or follow me. Google+ >> Twitter >>

One thought on “Free WordPress Plugins To Improve Your Blog

  1. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful collection of WordPress plugins.
    I want to recommend one more free useful plugin that is Blog Designer. It is a step ahead WordPress plugin that allows you to modify blog and single page layouts and design. It has unique 6 high-impact blog templates are available in it. Check it here:

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