Here are 10 website design tips that will help to make your website great. Use these tips to build credibility and trust on your website and turn your website into a lead generation tool it should be.
10 Website Design Tips To Get Your Site Rolling.
What Is Your Website Aim?
Understand what the aim of your website is and have a plan on how your site is going to achieve this goal.
Grandma Test.
Have a person who’s not part of your business and not computer literate check your site for a critical view. This is a great way of making your website easier to use.
Be Credible.
Use product reviews and testimonials from your customers to build trust. Write articles on projects you have undertaken and show how successful they where.
Address All Potential Questions.
Brainstorm every question your clients could have about your product, and put this on supporting information page to answer.
What Makes You Different.
Include everything that makes your business different from the competition on your website.
SEO Isn’t Dead.
SEO has evolved it’s now about quality over quantity. Its no good any more having thousands of incoming links a small number of quality links that visitors actually use leads to far better results.
Get Your Message Across In 5 Seconds.
We all make snap judgements website are no different you need to get your message and what your business is about across in an instant. Keep all key information above the fold.
Target Your Keywords.
Have a landing page on your website for every keyword you would like found for. Target that page at the specific keyword.
Keep Your Site Up To Date.
Website that are constantly updated rank higher on search engines than sites that are never updated.
Get People To Come Back.
Give people a reason to come back or follow you. Have offers, great content regularly updated, games, or free stuff, you want to build a relationship and use your website for lead generation.
Thanks for reading our tips. Why not take a look at our Website design Services.
Hi Ogle,
Great tips man. These tips will help designers to make their site user friendly and most effective. Grandma Test is a totally new concept for me. Going to utilize this test for my upcoming project.
Thanks yeah I try to use the Grandma Test a lot to test the ease of use of all the website I create.